Govern Open Source Usage

Prevent Open Source Risks with Security Guardrails

Not every risky open source component has a fix, especially those that are unmaintained. Proactive security guardrails to prevent potentially risky OSS components from being included in a project is the best defense.

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Govern Open Source Risks

Prevent Risky Open Source Components

Any cyber security risk identification and governance program starts with building an accurate and upto-date inventory. For OSS, this means knowing what components are in use, where they are used, and what risks they introduce.

Policy as Code

Roll out a OSS governance program with policy as code. Customize as per your organization risk profile and compliance requirements.

Central Policy Management

Control plane for managing, testing, staging and deploying policies across your software projects. Centralized policy management ensures consistent policy enforcement and governance.

Alerting and Enforcement

Leverage vet to enforce policies in CI/CD pipelines. Central visibility and query of violations across all projects.


Comply with regulatory requirements by enforcing policies that prevent usage of risky OSS components. Export policy violations to CycloneDX SBOM for regulatory compliance.

Protect against OSS Attacks

Rollout a developer first OSS governance and risk mitigation program. Leverage policy as code to enforce your opinionated security guardrails.