Identify Open Source Risks

What are the risks in my OSS Supply Chain?

70-90% of any modern applications constitute open source components. Risky OSS components can introduce security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and operational risks.

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Identify Open Source Risks

Build your OSS Inventory with SafeDep

Any cyber security risk identification and governance program starts with building an accurate and upto-date inventory. For OSS, this means knowing what components are in use, where they are used, and what risks they introduce.

Scan and Build Inventory

SafeDep scans your source code repositories, package manifests to build an accurate inventory of OSS components. Export inventory to CycloneDX SBOM for regulatory compliance.

OSS Intelligence

SafeDep leverages open source security metadata from, OSV, NVD, EPSS and internally built GitHub repository metadata index.

Easy Deployment

SafeDep can be deployed as a GitHub Action, GitLab CI pipeline, Jenkins pipeline or as a standalone CLI tool. Inventory built by these integrations are aggregated for central query, policy enforcement and alerting.


SafeDep code analysis engine correlates identified OSS components with actual usage in source code. This ensures that only used components are reported in the inventory thereby reducing false positives.

Protect against OSS Attacks

Rollout a developer first OSS governance and risk mitigation program. Leverage policy as code to enforce your opinionated security guardrails.