· 2 min read

Introducing vetpkg.dev - Open Source Component Security Dashboard

Introducing vetpkg.dev - Built using SafeDep API to provide an easy to use visibility of open source component security information.

Introducing vetpkg.dev - Built using SafeDep API to provide an easy to use visibility of open source component security information.

Introducing vetpkg.dev

vetpkg.dev is a free service that provides visibility into the security of open source components. It is built using the SafeDep Cloud API to provide an easy to use interface for developers to check the security of their open source dependencies before using them in their projects.

Why did we build vetpkg.dev?

As the developers of vet, we often felt the need for customizing security metadata visualization for open source components. We wanted to mash up public and private data sources to provide easy access to aggregated security data. We expect that this information will help developers and security engineers make better decisions about the open source components before using them in their projects.

Using vetpkg.dev, we want to provide a simple and easy-to-use interface for having a single source of truth for open source component security information including malicious code analysis results.

How to use vetpkg.dev?

Using vetpkg.dev is simple. You can search for an open source component by its ecosystem, name and version. For example, navigate to the following URL

You can also search for specific component by navigating to vetpkg.dev

How does vetpkg.dev work?

vetpkg.dev uses the SafeDep Cloud API to fetch security information about open source components. This includes information about known vulnerabilities, licenses, project metadata, malicious code analysis results and more. It uses SafeDep Insights API to fetch the required information.


The source of screenshot below is available here

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